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João Nuno Moreira

CNC - Centre for Neuroscience and Cell Biology

Coimbra, Portugal 

Targeting unmet medical needs in oncology with nanomedicine-based strategies

João Nuno Moreira scientific activity is focused on the design of lipid-based nanosystems for anticancer drug and nucleic acid targeted delivery, addressing the impact on the tumor microenvironment, at the cellular and molecular level, both in vitro and in animal models of cancer. Has experience in coordination of funded research projects (over 19) in several research projects, within academia as well as in collaboration with pharmaceutical industry. Co-author of several publications in peer-reviewed journals, 6 book chapters and 6 filed patents (3 of them have been granted in the United States - U.S. Patents No. 8,231,895, 8,529,944 and 8,741,338 - and licensed to TREAT U, SA).

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